Sunday, October 13, 2013

C4T # 2 Summary

Breaking Education Barriers

"Improving Teaching: One Step at a Time"

"Teaching is a job that is never done, at the end of the day." In this blogpost, Ms. Palmer gives advice to teachers, about the way in which they should work to improve as an educator. When a teacher is faced with learning new tasks, he or she may become overwhelmed and stressed out. Ms. Palmer states that the solution to this problem is to, "Take on one thing at a time". Rather than trying to overload on each task at once, take a step back and choose one task to focus on. Once you have improved at this task, move onto the second task. Don't stress out, don't feel guilty. You will achieve your goals, just take it one step at a time. 

In my comment to Ms. Palmer, I said that, as a student, I could identify with this method. Often, I actually believe that I am capable of tackling more than one task, when in actuality, I'm not. When I try to "focus" on more than one thing at a time, I become frustrated and stressed. So, I agree with the statement "Take it one step at a time", by doing so you will be less stressed and produce a better quality of work. 

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