Friday, November 1, 2013

C4K Summary for October

Greg Pickle's Blog

My fifth C4K was for Greg, a fourth grader in British Columbia. His blog post assignment for the week was to right at least five sentences, expressing his thoughts and ideas, by answering questions relating to Chapter 7 from the book Out of My Mind. 
These are the questions that were asked by his teachers:
1.   Right away in Chapter 7, Melody talks about how she dreams she can do anything. Think about a dream that you have had. How can you make that dream into a reality?
2.    Why do you think it is hard for teachers to stay with Melody and her class?
3.    Why do you think the episode with Mrs. Billups is important to the story as a whole?
In his blog post Greg stated that Melody did not want to stand out and she wanted to be able to do all the things she could do in her dreams such as: walking, talking, and running. He also states that Melody's teachers may leave because they don't not understand Melody or her classmates.
In my comment to Greg, I told him I thought that it was very perceptive of him, when he stated that the teacher does not understand Melody or her classmates. I then told him, teachers may leave Melody and her class, due to their inability to understand the way the students think and function. Good job on your blog post! 
Mummy Sacrophagus

My sixth C4K was for a student named Natasha. For her blog post, she listed and described the four levels of the forest. She briefly described the subfloor, the floor, the understory, and the canopy. She also provided a picture and a link related to each level. 
In my comment to Natasha, I told her that I enjoyed her blog post and that I liked the pictures she chose. I told her she did an excellent job describing the four layers of the forest. 
Levels of the Forest

My seventh C4K was for Jack, a fifth grader at Medbury School for Boys in Christchurch, New Zealand. In his "The Mummy Returns" blog post, he has written a poem, in which he details a first hand account of dying and going through the process of mummification. He writes a very vivid and detailed portrayal of the mummification process, the preparation for burial, and of his soul being awakened and drawn into his tomb, which is inside his pyramid. 
In my comment to Jack, I told him that his poem was very well written and I enjoyed reading it. I told him, that I thought he gave his readers a very vivid desrciption of mummification and to keep up the good work. 

My eighth C4K was for Maddie, a seventh grader in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. Maddie and her classmates are reading the book Out of My Mind, by: Sharon M. Draper. Maddie's blog post assignment was to describe the main character and to state wheter or not she would like to be friends with the main character. Then she was to explain why she would like to be friends with the character or why she wouldn't like to be friends with the character. 

In Maddie's post, she states that Melody, who is the main character, has cerebral palsy and cannot verbally communicate with her peers or family. She says on certain levels she would like to be friends with Melody, but she thinks that she wouldn't be able to understand her. She says that some meaning could be lost in translation, because Melody isn't able to make complete sentences or phrases when she is trying to communicate using her board. 

In my comment to Maddie, I wrote, I think you did a good job on your post and I like that you were honest about your reluctance to be  Melody's friend. However, rather than letting this issue hinder your friendship, why not try to come up with a solution. 
Think about this:
If you met someone who spoke Spanish or any foreign language that you did not speak, would you dismiss this person as a friend or would you work with them to bridge the gap of communication? 

Finding Ways to Communicate

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