Sunday, November 3, 2013

C4T # 3 Summary

 John Spencer's Blog: Education Rethink

Eight Reasons Yoda Was a Great Teacher

1. Compassion - He would do anything for his students and seems to be motivated by compassion for students even when it costs him personally.
2. Humility - Yoda was humble and willing to sacrifice fame and fortune in order to help others. "Great teachers have this sense of humility when they teach. 
3. Discovery - Yoda doesn't lay out systematic framework, he allows Luke to discover his identity and grow in wisdom.
4. Character - Instead of focusing on education as merely the acquisition of a skill set, Yoda was able to focus on the character of a Jedi instead. "For all the talk of reaching the "whole student", I find this mindset missing in schools - the notion that education has the potential to make us better people."
5. Preservance - Yoda understood students need to struggle, work hard, and keep going.
6. Just Enough Help - Yoda could've defeated Darth Vader, but he let Luke do it instead. "Great teachers know when to step out of the way and allow their students to thrive."
7.Potential - Yoda saw potential in Luke when others didn't. "There is value in teachers being able to see students honestly instead of being wowed by someone's giftedness."
8. Simplicity - Sometimes wisdom is simple and sometimes proverbs are profound. "Slow down/calm minds through the use of simplicity."  

My comment to Mr. Spencer:
I have enjoyed reading your blog posts. As a future teacher, I definitely identify with this post, as I feel these are traits all teachers should have. Compassion is definitely one that stands out for me, I believe as teachers we should have patience with our students and understand their individual needs. Discovery and Just Enough Help also standout, because they correlate with project-based learning. We shouldn't limit our students to what we want them to learn, but instead create an opportunity that allows them to discover and learn on their own and create work that is beyond our expectations.

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